Monthly Update XXXIst Board



Hello fellow followers,

Hope you are all doing great! April has been quite the action month for us as board. We started if off nice and well with a great exam week! But after that we were able to hit it off with a nice COP, and then the week got even more exciting, we announced our Candidate Board. Shout out and congrats to everyone CB, and honestly looking very forward to training them and preparing them as well as possible for their (possibly) upcoming board year. I did sadly miss out on Family Day, but I heard it played out quite well, a big shout out to the committee!! Then we were in theory supposed to have drinks with our brothers, but due to a lack of communication it didn’t go through lol. We are also celebrating our boy, Valentijn and our HoE, Barbora’s birthdays!!! Then we had our 2nd Committee GA, which was quite an interesting experience given the presentations prepared by all the committees. Then a good round off to the month was the trampoline park event, and this event really really made me realise one thing. I need to start going back to the gym, damn was that tramp park quite the workout! Now looking forward to May, our last full month as Board, damnn…here’s to having another fun month!!!

Catch you later,




Hope you all enjoyed the longer weekend due to Easter, I know I had the best time studying for exams :’). Luckily, I had some fun things planned the weekend after the exam. The biggest thing that happened this month was that we finally announced our CB!!! I am so happy with our Candidate Board and I am very excited to see how their year will turn out. Since they were announced I have been busy with trainings for my Candidate Secretary, Emin, to, well, train him to be a secretary. Then over the weekend we had Family Day, which my family also visited. The weather was great, so I also had opportunities to show them around the city. Unfortunately we were not blessed with good weather for too long, since the picnic, organised by Wellbeing, had to be moved inside. Nevertheless, it was a succes and there was a TON of food (that we all finished hehehe). Then we had the Committee GA, for which each committee president made a presentation and they were fun and hilarious as always. The last event of April was the trampoline park, which I LOVED so much. I got to feel like a kid again and I don’t think there is a workout in existence that can make me as tired and out of breath at this trampoline park. I am looking at the upcoming month with mixed feelings, since we have a lot of fun things planned (yay) but it is going to be our last full month as board (sad). Well, let us hope that it is going to be the best month yet.

Lots of love,



Hello hello lovely people,

I hope everyone had a good Easter time even though we had to study for exams. After exam period, I took a couple of days off and was back in time enough to see the announcements for the Candidate Board. I am so excited to see where their Helix journey takes them! I am also happy to say that we have found a Candidate Treasurer after the CB announcement, and I think Alisa is gonna do great at her job. During Family Day, it was a bit tough juggling being  a Board member and hanging out with my friends and family, but we had a lot of fun and everyone enjoyed themselves immensely. The wellbeing committee organised an awesome picnic the week after with a lot of food, it was a great success. Before we could round off the month at the awesome trampoline event, we had a GA. I greatly enjoyed meeting up with all the Committee treasurers to see their important work before the GA. Thank you all for your cooperation and diligence. It is crazy to think that I only have 1.5 months to go as Treasurer! Let’s make it the best month yet!

Cheerio, Maïté


Greetings my friends, jiminy crickets is april already over. It feels like I have written the last monthly update a week ago. Anyhoo, you might have guessed it, april was lovely, I know shocking right. It started eggcellently with the second day of easter, I kid you not. Get it because it happened on the 1st of april. I unfortunately, do not celebrate easter, however, that did not stop me enjoying all the chocolatey easter snacks. Next up, we went to our fifth installment of the COP. I know all the people who attended had a blast of a time, I sure did. There was dancing, music, cheap alcohol, everything a student wants. The morning after, our first company visit of the year took place. I could not attend this unfortunately, due to me needed to be present for my internship. To the people who did attend, I hope you liked it and learned a lot from it. Crimenently, another event happened a few days after, the annual Family Day. I was one of two board members who did not bring their family and our Head of Internal Affairs Loes sure did take advantage of that opportunity. I am just kidding (and not even on april fools). The way went lovely and the families seemed to be enjoying the lecture, practical, tutorial, and of course the vlaai! Another event I could not attend due to my internship was the picnic organised by our well-being committee. They really should start organising these events at night, I keep missing all the fun. The GA also took place during april. So many things happened in April. Also we were flipping and laughing for what seemed like two minutes during the trampoline park event. So much fun we were having. Well folks that’s me for this month. I see you peeps for the penultimate time at the end of may.

Also how could I forget, happy birthday (I know it already happened and I had a blast during your birthday) to our one and only Head of Education Barbora!!!

Also also how could i forget, (I know it already happened and I had a blast during your birthday) to our one of two Head of Internal Affairs Valentijn!!!

Cheerios and kisses


Head of Education

Hi everyone, I swear, it feels like there even wasn’t a whole month between the last Monthly Update. Nevertheless, this month as well, was packed with activities. I must highlight and congratulate our new Candidate Board. Shoutout to Ellie, who will be my successor and I believe she will do an amazing job. We also had a blast at the Family Day on April 13, where we got to invite our parents to enjoy a day as a student at our faculty. The weather was also very pleasant and perfect for some little sightseeing and walks in the park. We finished the month off with a very fun GA, too bad if you missed it. I am looking to more months like this, pretty weather and funny people. 

Cheers to spring and flowers,



Head of Internal Affairs

Hello everyoneeee, April started off with our least favourite time of the course: exam week 🥲, I did pass the exam though, so I’m very happy with that. The week after that was a very exciting week, because we had our Candidate Board announcement. We started the evening by calling all the applicants to tell them whether they were accepted into the 32nd Candidate Board. Next we had some activities set out for them to get to know each other and eventually made it to us and we all had some drinks together. I’m very happy with our CB and it’s very fun to see them getting to know each other and see them handle their first CB meetings 😊. The weekend after that, the Family Day took place. This event was organised by one of the committees I oversee, so I was very proud to see how it all came together. In the week after that we had drinks with the boards of our brother associations, which slightly failed but we still had fun. In the last week of April, we celebrated Barbora’s birthday and on Thursday the GA took place, which also went really well. 

See you next month!!


What’s up everyone,

April started off quite exciting for me with my first ( 😯) exam of the year. Passed it like a champ of course. This was also the month we’re our candidate board was announced and their Candidate period started. It’s crazy to think it’s already been a year since we got accepted into the XXXIst candidate board. But April just does not miss and the month continued with my 20th (!) birthday (not quite sure how I feel about getting older) and a few days later our lovely HoEs birthday as well. The month wrapped up with the second committee GA, the last one we will finish while still being Helix’ current board. Besides that, let the records show that me, along with the President and Treasurer snuck out of Maastricht for Kingsday to attend a wonderful festival in Enschede.

Hope last few months of my board year go well and we wrapped things up nicely so our CB can start taking the reins, exciting!!


Valentijn Kerstens

Head of External Affairs

‘Ello love! ☕

A month has passed once more, and with that we have all been dutifully reminded to write another monthly update for all of your amusement. April marked the beginning of the new course: and what rhymes with new course? COP V!!! (I know it doesn’t rhyme, but please do not fuss). Cop V was a banger, as per the us’. We were transported back in time to times where life was easy, and we basically just ran around playing in the dirt or whatever (“Back to the 10s). And just in time for you to recover from the potential hangover from the night before, we had the company visit to RegenBiomed, a little start-up right nearby the university, so we also got a complementary accompanied walk, and the SANDWICHES WERE BUSSING. It was actually so much fun and very interesting! They served coffee and vlaai in fancy cups and tissues, so you know it was pretty snazzy.  Further down the week, on saturday we had the Helix Family Day. It was really cool to see the makers of some Helix members, try to spot the resemblances, I was also able to show my parents off to my friends and show the university off to them, they really enjoyed themselves I think, and are pretty jealous of my study muahahahahha. On the 17th of May our dearest Valentijn was born, and Helix celebrated this young man’s life with the Well-being picnic event!!!! Good food, good vibes, good day.

The following day, the Board had a couple of drinks with our brother: IFMSA, at Cafe Zondag (highly recommend that cafe, the vibes are truly spectacular). On the 19th, (from what I could tell) all of Maastricht gathered in Utrecht for the Biomedical Interfaculty Congress where we got to talk to a bunch of companies, hear a bunch of people speak about how successful they are (and hopefully we will too), and some food. Was fun, I enjoyed myself, the BIC board are really a fun bunch and Utrecht is (in my opinion) a beautiful city and definitely attractive with regards to scientific research.

Barbora’s birthday was the next day hehehhehe, but we celebrated that the 23rd of April, with some Poké and cake (OBVIOUSLY).

The Committee General Assembly happened, was pleasant and fun, and quirky. Finally, ending April with a bang (onto a safe and bouncy trampoline) we had the trampoline event !!! It was funny to see everyone’s inner children surface!

OH MY GOD, HOW COULD I FORGET !!! THIS MONTH WE ANNOUNCED OUR CANDIDATE XXXII BOARD!!!! AND WE GOT THEM TO INTERACT and mingle, and do a treasure hunt together. UGH I love them so FRICKING MUCH OIERH. I wish you guys (especially Arish since he is taking over my role) the best of luck, you will do great!

Either way, see you next month…



Hey y’all, and once again we are back at it with another monthly update. Its been quite the month, with a very jam-packed schedule, but still a load of fun for me! We started off strong with a nice long road trip to the ends of Amsterdam to visit our sister associations Congo’s CoBo. Then we hit a very fun karaoke bar with my treasurer, HoIA and HoEA which was a load fun for us all. And of course along the road we made sure to treat ourselves to some nice KFC. And one big thing that popped off during this month was the Gala, the committee did a great job pulling it all together and making it one hell of a Gala. During this month we also had to make some tough decisions, that were in the end for the best interest of the association. We also got started on our CB interviews, and they will soon be presenting quite some exciting times! Next month is gonna be another blast, with a bunch of events and new things happening, hope to see y’all around!




My dearest readers, 

How delightful it is to have you to read this paragraph as to obtain a glimpse into the whirlwind that was my month as Secretary of SA Helix. I look back at March 2024 with much joy, as it was packed with some exhilarating events. 

Firstly, I attended the Dance Workshop, organized by the Activities Committee. It was immensely entertaining and just plainly so much fun to learn the basics to some well-known dances, like the Salsa. Dare I say, it has inspired me to partake in dance classes myself!

Furthermore, the Board went to a splendid dinner with one of our Honorary Members, an esteemed professor at Maastricht University, none less that Leo Köhler. She invited us to a lovely Persian restaurant and we got to know each other very well in this informal setting. 

And what of our Gala, dear readers? A soirée resplendent with glitter and glamour, where we shone bright, like stars in the night sky. It was a grand succes and I am happy to hear many of our attendees enjoyed it as much as I did. 

Yet, alas, not all news could be met with jubilation. A somber decision weighed upon our shoulders as we reluctantly canceled our much-anticipated excursion to Prague. Though a bitter pill to swallow, it was a necessary sacrifice in the face of financial circumstances.

Luckily, the Board was also occupied with starting to interview possible members of our Candidate Board. It felt slightly strange that our Board Year seems to be coming to an end, but that happens to all good things as they say. 

Next to all of these eventful happenings, I was of course kept busy by regular uni life and my regular tasks, which consist of composing a newsletter, writing minutes, making some promo with my Committee, attending Board Meetings, keeping up the Helix Room for our members, sending emails, discussing emails, writing emails, etc. 

All in all, it was a great month, with much to do, and therefore much to keep me entertained.

I so hope that your month has been as eventful and fun, and I cannot wait to see what the next one will bring. 

Until we meet again, whether in person or through these pages, know that your presence is eagerly anticipated.

With warm regards,

Your devoted Secretary


Hello lovely people,

I can’t believe that we’re at the end of another month and what a month it’s been! We started off with a fun road trip to Amsterdam to celebrate the 105th board of our sister association Congo. Also we were invited to dinner by our Honorary member Leo Köhler which was a great opportunity to get to meet each other and to enjoy some great Persian food. Then we represented Helix at the Master’s Open Day and answered questions from prospective students. We also had to make some important financial decisions in regard to the Gala and to our excursion to Prague which we sadly had to cancel as a result. However our Gala on the 21st was a success and a lot of fun! 

This month we also held our Candidate Board interviews, strange that we are already choosing our successors, but I have lots of hope for the people who signed up.

Strange how time flies when you’re having fun, and onto the next month,

Love, Maïté


Greetings to all of you and welcome back to yet another update. We started this month off with interviews for our Candidate Board. How weird is that, it felt like yesterday when we were the ones being interviewed. Additionally, we had a lovely dinner with one of our honorary members, Leo Köhler. We went to this lovely persian restaurant called Farèn, which I can highly recommend (please sponsor me Farèn). I almost forgot, our annual Gala happened in this month as well. At first, I was a bit scared to attend. I mean these old Turkish hips do not know how to dance with some groove. Luckily, our lovely activities committee a dance workshop. The amount of fire dance moves I learned that day is ridiculous. Enough to give me the desire to dance my legs of during the Gala. For those people who sadly were not there, you missed so much fun. Of course, I cannot forgot my important tasks as vice, so I had a few meetings where we discussed the graduation as well. Lastly, Me, Loes and Maïté showed our charisma during the Masters Open Day. Well unfortunately, every good thing has to end at some point. As is the same for my monthly update but don’t be sad. We will be back again next month! Read you then and have a lovely month.



Head of Education

Dear Readers,

I can’t believe were nearing the end of the academic year! Responsibilities coming at me from all sides, we celebrated life at our yearly gala on the 21st. With a beautiful and exciting theme of Glitter and Sparkle, we put on our suits and gowns and headed down to Complex for a night we won’t forget. Evaluations of all courses were written and discussed – and this year’s special: the Master specialisation reports were written in full glory. And on we went trying to fish out our new Candidate Board from a large pool of active members, discussing and interviewing. With that came all the preparations – Training and Scripts.



Head of Internal Affairs

Hello everyoneee! I hope you all are doing well! This month we didn’t have as many events, as we were preparing for the gala. However, we had some board outings. In the beginning of the month we went to our first CoBo outside of Maastricht. We drove all the way to our capital city to congratulate the 105th (!?!) board of SV Congo. It was a lot of fun to meet boards outside of Maastricht and to see how other associations in other cities organise their CoBos. The week after that, we had dinner with Leo Koehler. We ate some very good Persian food, which I had never had before, but it was delicious. Next, on the 21st we had the Gala!! I had so much fun and I hope all of you enjoyed it as well. Big round of applause to the Gala Committee for organising it 👏. Lastly, we had the pubquiz for BBS1004, so I hope all of you firsties are well prepared for the exam. Other than that, we have been busy with our upcoming CB, so keep your eyes open for that next month 👀. 

Good luck with exams and see you next month!


Head of Internal Affairs

Dear Members,

March has been a month of growth, collaboration, and impactful initiatives for our Student Association of Biomedical Sciences. As we bid farewell to this dynamic month, I am thrilled to share some of the highlights that have defined our collective journey.

We kicked off March with a highly anticipated professional development workshop aimed at equipping our members with essential skills for success in the biomedical sciences field. From resume building to interview techniques, the workshop provided invaluable insights and practical tips to enhance our career readiness.

Throughout March, we were honored to host a series of engaging guest speakers who shared their expertise and experiences with our members. Topics ranged from cutting-edge research advancements to navigating the complexities of the healthcare industry, inspiring us to explore new frontiers and pursue our passions with purpose.

In alignment with our commitment to fostering a culture of diversity and inclusion, we organized a thought-provoking forum to facilitate open dialogue and reflection. Through meaningful conversations and shared experiences, we reaffirmed our dedication to creating an environment where every voice is heard and valued.

March saw the launch of several exciting research collaboration initiatives within our association. By harnessing the collective expertise and passion of our members, we are poised to tackle complex scientific challenges and drive meaningful advancements in biomedical research.

As part of our ongoing efforts to give back to the community, we actively participated in a range of impactful service projects throughout March. From volunteering at local healthcare clinics to organizing blood drives and health awareness campaigns, we remain steadfast in our commitment to making a positive difference in the lives of others.

To ensure that we are effectively meeting the needs and expectations of our members, we conducted comprehensive engagement surveys throughout March. The valuable feedback received will inform our future initiatives and strategies, enabling us to better serve and support our diverse membership base.

As we reflect on the accomplishments and milestones of March, I am filled with gratitude for the dedication and enthusiasm demonstrated by each member of our association. Together, we have reaffirmed our shared commitment to excellence, collaboration, and making a meaningful impact in the biomedical sciences community.

As we look ahead to the opportunities that April holds, I am confident that our collective efforts will continue to propel us toward our vision of a brighter, more inclusive future for biomedical sciences education and research



Head of External Affairs

Another day, another Monthly Upday-(te). To be quite frank, March absolutely FLEW by, actually insane. You would think that February would pass by fast seeing as it only has 29 days, but holy moly guacamole (sorry) did March go by fast! There weren’t as many events this month seeing as we were all excited and nervous for the Helix gala, but looking back, we went to the Biomed association in Amsterdam, Congo to celebrate their board. We made a fun lil road trip out of it, we drove in Maïté’s car, with Loes and Rutvik (I hope I am not forgetting anyone else), and since Rutvik was with us, we OF COURSE had to stop by KFC on the way there 🙄😂. We then karaoked there as well because we hadn’t had enough of the Helix karaoke. Anyways, later on, we dined with the one, the only: Leo Koehler! It was really fun, I absolutely adore her. It was then time for our fabulous Gala! Everyone was in their prettiest frocks and frills, all shining. I, again, loved it. I had so much fun, do not necessarily remember the ending, but you know that means the beer was definitely flowing all night long hehehe, it was also great seeing my other biomed friends actually enjoying themselves as well, ugh fun times !!!!!! Those were all the events that I attended. Furthermore, longitudinally in March we have been pretty busy behind the scenes…. Doing some important Helix administrative stuff, that you will soon find out about hehehehhehe.

Anyways I hope March was a blooming month, and I am so glad it is (some days) becoming warmer and less rainy! Can’t wait for April, it is gonna be one hell of a busy month, and most of the events are all business-y.

Love you folks, 

Baiiii <3 




Hey y’all,

Hope everything is going well for everyone, this month has been an absolute damn blast in my book, soooo many exciting and enlightening things have happened which has really really put me in a great mood :). We started this month of with a banger of a COP with a very good turn out, and I am super impressed with what the Activities Committee was able to pull off. And then a day after we were able to celebrate our treasurer’s birthday. Another little adventure I went on before the holidays, was a dope Taylor Swift themed party at Complex, who doesn’t love some white girl classics ;). And after that, I took a well-deserved week off, relaxed fully (during which I also turned 20) and somehow even completed a couple of my tasks. Then to get prepared for the resumption of Uni life, I went on a little badminton tournament, no win but was great. And then that week we were joyfully invited to join a cantus with our brother Sante, which was another blast of an event. And the day after we had to attend the Bachelors Open day and present, and it was great to see all the new potential students that are thinking about attending Maastricht University. The activities committee also organised a great Karaoke event, where I definitely sang my heart out. And to end of the month, my fellow board members and other friends threw me a great party which I was super grateful for and definitely had a fun time. Now we are onto March, and there are some great exciting events coming up and can’t wait to see y’all there.




Hello hello,

Even though February is a short month, a lot happened. So I’ll keep it short for you guys. We organized a book sale which was successful, fun, and many people came. I attended the painting workshop for the well-being week and I really enjoyed it, the painting I made is findable in the helix room (next to Rutviks inspirational one, must he be better at EVERYTHING??). We organised CB drinks and met some nice people interested in the board, very happy about that. The 4th COP of the year was a lot of fun, got to know some drama since the theme was ‘traffic light party😏’. We had carnaval break which was very much needed, though I did have to celebrate carnaval and study for my resit, so I didn’t get the most rest from there. I went to board game night organized by the Wellbeing Committee, enjoyed myself and obviously won everything. Had the Half-Year GA, survived it, and I am working on the minutes now. 

Some side quests: went to Copenhagen, a Noah Kahan concert, a Taylor Swift themed party (very fun), and celebrated Rutviks and Maites birthday. 

Well that was fast! Hope you enjoyed reading about my month and I hope you had a lovely February as well. Let’s make next month just as filled with fun activities!! 

See you around,



Hello lovely people,

Crazy to think another month has passed, February really flew by quickly. Sadly I was less involved this month as I was still focusing on uni work, but I still managed to get some things done for Helix. I started my month off with Meeting with our Financial Supervisory Council to check the books as preparation for the Half-Year GA. In between studying for my resit exam and other uni work, I still managed to celebrate my birthday with the Board and also to take a necessary break during the Yoga event we hosted with our Brothers. I also met up with the treasurers of the Randwyck associations to discuss various things.After the break we hosted an Open BM to show our Board applicants what we do during our meetings. That same week we held our GA during which I presented our Half-Year realisation. I rounded off my month with some more meetings. 

On to the next month,

I hope y’all have a good one,



Hello lovely peeps, Hello lovely peeps, at the start of this wonderful month we decided to retire as a librarian and start our new chapter with a book sale. It was a huge success and I hope that you enjoy and learn as much from those books as we have. For any students interested in a financial minor in year three, you can always come to speak to us and take a page from our book. On another page, I unfortunately was not able to be very active as a board member. I had to study a lot for a few admission tests for a couple of Master’s programs. Fortunately, I am back again and I cannot wait to see what March has in store for me and the rest of the board.



Head of Education


Starting the month off with a very successful book sale and promotion for the 32nd Candidate Board,  we have had quite a nice month. Towards the end, we had the Half-Year General Assembly. The Student Evaluation Panels have been working very well and independently. 



Head of Internal Affairs

Hello hello!! We started off February with COPIV and celebrated Maïté’s birthday the day after. The week of Carnaval I didn’t party that much, since I had to study for my resit. The first Monday back we held an open BM for anyone interested to see what’s going on behind the scenes. The day after that the Well-being Committee (sorry Javi, I’m still not sure how it’s spelled) organised a Board game night, which I enjoyed a lot. On the 22nd we had the Half-year GA, which went really well. The day after we went to Santé’s cantus and we closed the week off at the open day at which I spent most of the day decorating the wall with lots of pictures, so come check it out if you haven’t seen it yet :). In the last week of February, the Activities Committee organised a Karaoke night at which we all could show our (lack of) talent on the big stage of Kaleido. We closed February off by celebrating Rutvik’s birthday since we hadn’t had the opportunity to yet during the Carnaval break on his actual birthday. 

See you next month!


Head of Internal Affairs

Hey yall, Valentijn Here 🙂

February was a pretty eventful month, the start of the fourth course of the year of course came with the new COP which had a surprisingly great showing. The month continued with the festivities in the form of the birthdays of both our lovely Treasurer on the 7th and Our president on the 12th (during Carnaval to boot 🎉). On the more professional side though, this month the search for a new candidate board started seriously picking up pace, we had an open Board meeting this month where anyone interested in joining next year’s board could join to see what a board meeting is like. The month wrapped up with an open day where I got to present our lovely association to future students (Excitinggg).

De ballen en laat ze niet vallen,

Valentijn Christoffel Rene Kerstens

Head of External Affairs

Dear everyone, let’s recap what happened in February.

This month was not as “jam-packed” as I had thought; mainly due to the carnaval break which took a big chunk of the month. But during the working days, our lovely and hella smart Barbora organised a book sale which was a big hit to our study-dedicated students. It was also Maïté’s birthday and wooow she’s even older now. I love her so much and I truly wish her all the very best, she deserves it. Anyways, back to me ;P . On our ongoing quest to find our Candidate Board we held an “Open” Board Meeting where interested members could witness us in our most professional setting, I think they learned a lot. The following day, the well-being committee organised a board game night, it was really fun!  Furthermore, we held our half-year GA, which went pretty well. Finally, we were present at the Open Day, it was fine, not a single prospective BMS or RMT bachelor came by the Helix room… sad ;(

I am very excited about our upcoming karaoke event !! I have been waiting for this event for soooo long. Anyways, love you and don’t forget: SIGN UP FOR PRAGUE!





Hey hey y’all, what a month it has been, quite busy for me personally. We started the year with a blast with the COP, during which coincidentally it was our Head of External Affair’s birthday. That week we were also kindly invited to our Brother (MSV Pulse)’s Gala, which was a great blast. The first week back was a definite blast and a half. And as the time flows by, it was also time to start looking for the next candidate board for Helix. Its honestly kinda exciting to see who will be taking over, so maybe it could you ;). We also had another special birthday, which was one of our Internal Affairs, we celebrated that with another blast as well. And towards the end of the month, I wasl fairly busy with writing my abstracts for my project :), great times. Can’t wait to see what February has in store for us, have a good one!




Heyy, welcome back to another monthly update! I did not join all the events unfortunately, but I’ll let you know what I did do. The first Helix event that I joined this year was the Committee Drinks, and it was nice and chill to talk to some new people, some of which joined committees. Then, it was Mylena’s birthday, and right after we went to the Pulse Gala, which was a great way to celebrate her turning old. We celebrated Loes’s birthday as well, and organized Board Drinks to start looking for the Candidate Board. I am very excited to see who will apply! I did not attend any other events in January, but I will make sure to see more for you in February! 




Hello lovely people, it was once again a busy month. It started off with the last week of Christmas break during which I took some time to relax, but also to start preparing the Half-Year realisation for the Half-Year GA. To start off the year great, we held committee drinks to find some more active members. We also had an AC meeting during the first week back, and because we love them so much, we held another meeting during the last week of January. We of course also had some fun activities, such as COP during which the Activities Committee let us celebrate the start of a New Year again. We got to celebrate our Head of External Affairs’ birthday in an awesome way, as we attended the Pulse Gala. As we have started our search for our candidate board (don’t hesitate to apply, it’s a  blast!), we also held candidate board drinks to give an opportunity to give insight into the different board positions.

I am looking forward to seeing what February holds for us!




Greetings fellow DNA shaped people! Welcome back to yet another monthly update with yours truly. January was such an incredible and fascinating month. At first, myself, just like all of you I expect, had to get used to being actively working again after the christmas break. We started this month of with a bang. Get it, because it is the new year. First we had a few committee drinks. Many of you seemed quite interested in becoming an active member. Furthermore, we joined our brothers, MSV Pulse, in their annual Gala. It was quite fun, but I can guarantee you, not as fun as our gala will be. Hope to see you guys there as well. Also, so many of my fellow board members were born in January. So Happy Birthday to you, Mylena and Loes. Looking forward to the birthdays that will come up in February. Stay tuned for that next month. Lastly, our board drinks took place during this month as well. Many of you seemed interested in this as well. Have a lovely month, see you next time and enjoy your time, which I know you will as a Helix member.



Head of Education

Hello hello,

Sadly, Winter break was only two weeks. We started of strong with the COP III, the MSV Pulse Gala was another standout event following Friday, dripping with elegance and providing a much-needed break from the grind. Of course, we couldn’t ignore the birthdays—both Mylena’s and Loes’—where the rest of the Board organised fun hangouts with lots of pizza, gifts and good vibes. Plus, we had a blast at the first round of Board drinks, where folks interested in snagging a Board position got the chance to pick our brains. Amidst all the chaos, we managed to keep our academic game strong, with many course evaluations rolling in. I am very happy to share that after the meetings with the Reaccreditation Panel both the bachelor and master Biomedical Sciences programs at UM were successful. So, as we charge into February, let’s keep that energy high and that hustle strong. Here’s to crushing it in the month ahead!

Good luck!


Head of Internal Affairs

Hello everyone!! We started January off with one more week of winter break, which I enjoyed a lot. In the first week of the new course we had the COP at which we also celebrated Mylena’s birthday and we went to the gala of MSV Pulse. The week after, we celebrated my birthday. I had a great night with lots of presents from Board! We also held the first round of Board drinks at which anyone who is interested in a Board position could stop by and ask questions. No worries if you missed it, there will be a second round soon ;). The brother’s cantus with all of our brother associations was also in that week, which was a lot of fun. Lastly, I held some interviews with some new active members this past month, so keep your eye out for new faces in some of the committees! For now, good luck with exams and we’ll see you at COPIV!! 


Head of Internal Affairs

What’s good everyone, January was an absolutely lovely month for me! It started with a week more of winter break which is always a win in my book. But time is cruel and ambivalent and the day came to go back to uni :(. 

Valentijn 😀

Head of External Affairs

Happy New Year folks! And what a great start to 2024 this past month has been! The first week back to uni started with a bang, I turned 20 at the Helix COP!!!!!!! That was so fun; I was surrounded by people that I love so so much, (I might’ve even shed a few tears, but shhhh can’t show my weaknesses). Then the next day was the Pulse gala, before which I had dinner with board where I received a lot of presents hehehhehehe. Anyways, 20 is going great socially….. Academically….. Well, tbd. We also had a few board drinks to let people know what being on the board entails and try to get them…. on board (that’s a knee-slapper right there).  The brother’s cantus was held on the 19th where a lot of beer chugging and singing was involved, and to my dismay, quite a lot of walking.  And other than a few sponsor meetings, nothing much. But February will be JAM-PACKED LET ME TELL YOU!



Ciao, Mylena the Shenanigangster.



Sup people, we are back at it once again back at it. December was quite an eventful month for us and for most people around. In December we had an excellent ice-skating event filled with great activities at a very good price. We also had a stress-management workshop with our brothers, which was quite useful. And then we got to our good old PubQuiz, this time we had a different venue, which turned out to be a pleasantful surprise. Then begun the exam week, quite packed and interesting as everyone was busy cramming away to pass the exams. But something to look forward to was our Board Christmas dinner, Valentijn and I were in charge of the starters. And in my humble opinion, we did a spectacular job, and so did the rest of the Board (but we were better). To round off December, I went back home to the Hague for my holidays. For NYE’s I ended up spending it with our old president Javier Sanmartin Martinez. Hope you all had a good break, as well! And genuinely looking forward to the next coming year.

Stay Blessed,



Happy New Year everybody!! I enjoyed December so much, mainly because I love the Christmas vibes that were all over Maastricht. I unfortunately was not able to attend a lot of the Helix events :(. In my defense, I was very busy studying and celebrating my birthday. I did join a workshop on event organisation and promotion. Also, the Board surprised me with the best party (and they made me give a slightly embarrassing presentation about myself during our Board Meeting). The week before the break I was mainly studying unfortunately, and I was happy to see many of our members were also very focussed on their exams. I have to say, I missed my fellow board members a bit during the break. I had the pleasure to meet our President for 10 minutes at the train station in Eindhoven, but he made me miss my train. Other than that I very much enjoyed the break and I hope all of you did too. I am very much looking forward to the rest of the year, there are some exciting things to look forward to, can’t wait!! 

See ya next month <3



Hello lovely people, Happy New Year and I hope you enjoyed the break! We organised quite a few Christmassy events, but there were also some more serious things in the mix. The Randwyck associations organised a Stress Management workshop where a UM psychologists gave us tips and tricks on how to handle stress in our daily lives. I also attended a very important and informative though not very amusing workshop with some of my fellow board members about Suicide prevention. And now to move on to the fun parts, we organised a Helix Christmas week, where we did a shoe drop event for Saint Nick’s day. The activities committee organised a very fun ice skating event, where I managed to not break all my bones. That week was finished off strong by the Wellbeing committee handing out pancakes for Purple Friday. As Board we also organised a gift exchange/Secret Santa event. Before I went into hibernation to study for my exam, I attended the BBS1002 Pubquiz organised by the Education committee at Kaleido, which was a great success too. To finish off the Year, we held a dinner as Board after our exams, to celebrate all our achievements in 2023.

Let’s see what fun events and challenges 2024 holds for us!

Cheers, Maïté


Hello and welcome back to this month’s monthly update. I hope you guys had a enjoyable month, I sure had. It all started with a Social Safety workshop, where I learned and better understood how to create a safe space for everyone to enjoy. Thereafter, was another workshop, where me, a few other board members and our Person of Confidence Lexi learned about suicide prevention. Continuing the month of workshops, Helix, together with the other associations of Randwyck, hosted the ‘How to manage stress’ workshop. Unfortunately, I could not attend this workshop myself, but I hoped many of you did and learned quite a bit. Furthermore, the cold and christmas spirit was of course celebrated with our ice-skating event at the christmas market and our secret santa event. Now I am looking forward to what January will bring. Wish you all the best of luck and let’s make 2024 a great year



Head of Education


I think they should make the Christmas break longer… 

Now that we are all back and well rested, I wish everyone a Happy New Year! December went by so fast, we started with a beautiful Helix Christmas week with a skating event at the Magical Village in the city center, had pancakes for purple Friday from the Wellbeing committee and finished up with out bimonthly PubQuiz at Kaleido. Juggling my studies and the board, we went through the first round of mid-period course evaluations for all the Student Evaluation Panels. For January, we have many meetings scheduled regarding the SEP and coordinator meetings, which I am looking very much forward to. And now its almost time to start looking for a new Candidate Board! Oo so exciting.

All the luck, happiness and health for 2024,


Head of Internal Affairs

Hey everyone, I hope you enjoyed the holidays! We started December off with the ice skating event. We had a great time at the christmas market, where we, besides ice skating, could go on the ferris wheel and also got some drinks. On the day after we celebrated Purple Friday, where everyone who passed by the Helix room in something purple could get a free pancake. The week after, we had the pubquiz, which I hope helped the firsties pass their second exam of the school year. Next it was exam week and of course the Christmas break after that. I’m excited to get back to it again and I hope to see you all in the upcoming events as well!


Head of Internal Affairs

Hey everyone, hope you all enjoyed December, the most whimsical of all the months! To celebrate the holidays and get in the christmas spirit with an ice skating event at the christmas market and a gift exchange in the Helix room :). Meanwhile all the first years were faced with their BBS1002 exams, the first of the spooky courses in my opinion. But not to worry; we got their backs with another lovely pubquiz at Kaleido! I hope everyone passed their exams before going back home for the holidays. That was about it, hope you all enjoy 2024 and manage to fight off those seasonal saddies.


Head of External Affairs

Hi beautiful 😉 . I hope the break went well for you, that you got to enjoy these two weeks to relax, eat good food (hopefully) and just unwind. It is already 2024, time does move fast. Anyways, let’s take some time to reflect on what happened in December: it started great with the Helix Christmas week where some Helix members decorated their “shoes” for Sinterklaas, it was fun to see the inner children pop out in them. The 7th Activities organised a ice-skating event where they got to ice skate, see the ferris wheel and walk around the Christmas market, I heard it was a big hit, I was busy getting BoC points with the Travel committee ;P.  For the purple friday, the well-being committee made pancakes and brought them to the Helix room. The 11th was our amazing secretary, Lisanne’s birthday so we ofc celebrated her! Since December is the exam period, the Education committee held a pubquiz in a new venue this time: Kaleido instead of the usual D’n Hiemel, we might be returning for future events… And finally it was exam week, so not much Helix things going on at all, fingers crossed we all passed !

See you in January!




Sup peeps, 

We are back once again after a great month at Helix, and we are slowly heading towards the magical times of the year. We had a busy month with the graduation ceremony. I felt quite important getting to shake all the graduate’s hands. On top of that we had the first BoC event, quite an exciting little mystery adventure everyone had. Then we had the 1st committee GA where the committees were able to properly introduce themselves. Was great to see some of the very creative presentations. I also had the honour of having wee-lil presidents training with some of the committee presidents, hopefully they found it somewhat useful. We also had 2 great events from the Activities and Well-being committee, and they were a great success. And not to forget we had a great Randwyck party organised by the Randwyck committee, in short, it was a blast and a half. I hope to see all your Christmas spirits around at our upcoming events and the Helix room as well.

Cheery Cheerios,



Hello hello, and welcome to the November update! We started the month off with the Bachelors’ Graduation, where I got to send all the parents to the right place. Honestly, I kind of enjoyed that. I attended, just like Maïté and Oguz, the Safe Space Show. It was very well put together which made it entertaining, and it was actually fun to participate. Later we had the first BOC event, and I really enjoyed seeing all our active members being that competitive. Also, to let you in on a little bit of our board life, we held a powerpoint night (with pizza!) with just Board. Here we explained our positions to each other, and we had some random powerpoints next to that. It was a very fun night (as in my abs hurt from laughing at some point. Anyhoo, onto something more serious, we had the First Committee GA. To be honest, it was not as serious as it sounds, because the presidents prepared some funny presentations. I am working hard at making the minutes from the GA, so you can expect them soon! Then, I was present at the Master’s Open Day, to talk to future masters and explain Helix to them. One of my favorite board activities this month was to attend the Municipality Dinner, where we could talk to a lot of (important) people. Alsoooo, we had the Movie Night event from Wellbeing,  which was just adorable. We watched Elemental, and we were sitting very cozy with blankets and pillows and I just loved the vibe from everyone. We also had a bowling event, where I was great at bowling for approximately 15 minutes, and I sucked for the rest of the night. It was fun, nevertheless. Lastly, we took pictures for our Christmas cards, and it was freezing, so you better love them 🙂

Love youuu,



Hello lovely people, I am glad November is over and we’re moving into the magical advent time, but more about that later. November started off busy, as always. We met up with our AC as we do every month to talk about how everything is running. I also went to the SafeSpace show at the Mecc so I learned how to provide a safe space to our members. Then the week after, I got to meet all the committee treasurers before our first Committee GA. Shoutout to everyone who volunteered to be committee treasurer, I’m looking forward to collabing with you guys and you did great presenting your budgets during the GA. Later during the month, I gave them a more basic training on how to be a treasurer. We also joined the Master’s Open Day on 11/11 to talk to prospective students about Helix and how we can help them in their studies. Later during the month, I attended the CoBo of the drama association together with our Head of External Affairs Mylena, which was very fun. I am looking forward to potentially collaborating with all the people I met there. I joined our final event of the month,  the movie night, organised by our wellbeing committee  where I truly enjoyed the hot cocoa. To round it all off, we took some Christmas pictures for a surprise for our awesome active members, where we got to stand around in the cold. So look forward to that!

I hope to see most of you at all our very christmassy events during december!




Welcome back everyone! November started very busy with the Bachelor’s graduation. Even though I could not be there as a student, it was still nice to share that stage with my peers and friends. Same as the Treasurer and Secretary, I also went to the SafeSpace show at the Mecc. This was such a great opportunity to learn how to create a safe space for everyone. Also, another fun event was our first BoC. The committees fought hard to come out as the first winner. Unfortunately, there could only be one. Next up, our first official GA happened as well, where all our committees had a chance to meet each other. It was also lovely that all our motions got voted in. Our activities committee had a bowling event as well and our well-being committee had organised a movie night. Both were such lovely events. Who said that November was just a pre-December? So many big events happened during this month. Well that’s all for me this month. See you again at the end of december with another monthly update!



Head of Education


As period 1 finished off, me, together with my Student Evaluation Panels, delved into the post-exam evaluations, I kid you not, 7 reports is a lot, especially if you have to write 4 of them. The report writing intervened with many Helix-related events, such as the graduation, where we got to see many of our board members graduate and the Master’s Open Day, where we had a few minutes in the main lecture to introduce ourselves and then steal some vlaai. We then had some successful events like the Movie Night from the Wellbeing Committee and the Bowling event from the Activities Committee. We also welcomed students from all over the Netherlands and Belgium at our Experience Day. Not to forget our First Committee GA, where all of our motions were voted in. Now, that would be all for this busy month, and now off to December, and my favourite time of the year! (Let’s hope/pretend that Maastricht will be covered in snow and everything will be all cute and fluffy). 

Talk soon,


Head of Internal Affairs

Hello everyone! In the beginning of this month we had our first BoC event, which was a big success and the first points were given out. No worries though, lots more points can be earned this year! We also had our first Committee GA where the committees introduced themselves and their budgets. It was really fun to see all our active members being introduced and to see the creations the committee presidents had made for this introduction. Later in the month the Activities committee organised a bowling event, which was a lot of fun, although I definitely didn’t win haha. The Well-being committee also organised their first event of the year, which was a movie night. It was a very cozy night with hot chocolate and lots of popcorn for everyone to enjoy. 

See you next month!


Head of Internal Affairs

Hey everyone,

November is always a nice month as it is when the christmas whimsy starts properly heating up! Besides that though it was a very busy month for Helix as well; the month started of with the riveting Masters open day as well as our first event for the Battle of Committees (Big props to the Advisory Council and RMT SEP for winning the first BOC points of the year)!! Though my favourite thing of November had to have been the municipality dinner we went to with the board. We were invited to the town hall to discuss student life with the Alderman of Maastricht as well as some other students and companies, which was awesome because I always wondered what that fancy building was like on the inside (Old timey paintings, ornate stairs etc.)! That was about it for November, looking forward to Christmas!!

See you next month!


Head of External Affairs

Hello Froggies, it’s a bit chilly now innit? Let’s see what Mylena has been doing this past month to distract herself from the impending dark cold mornings and frostbite.

I started the month off strong with my first ever Travel committee meeting, where we got to know each other more (shout out to my girls Reezah and Emilie!), and we cannot wait to reveal our destination haha… shhh. Anyways, we then had our monthly Advisory Council meeting where some past boards help us deal with some of our problems since they’re wiser and know the ropes more than us yk? Then the next day was a lot of fun imo: it was the biomedical graduation! We got to see and congratulate all the biomed bachelors, it was really nice to attend, and fingers crossed that will be me in two years! Apart from that, had some sponsor meetings, and we also had our first BOC event where our lovely adorable Karel was kidnapped, but found again. Our committee GA also took place in the first week of November, and it was really fun to witness all the different committees present themselves, and see where their creativity took them (made me really excited for the coming year and events). There was also the Master’s Open day (the free vlaai is always welcome). Speaking of free food: SIH organised a municipality dinner at the Townhall (it was really cool to be inside of it) and we met various companies and important people, all the while having soup and sandwiches (and wine ; P). The activities committee also organised a bowling event, and that was nice (will not comment on my score). Maïté and I also attended the Alles is Drama CoBo, they are a fun bunch. And that was pretty much it for November. See you in December!





Sup sup, how y’all doing? October so far has been a very exciting month for us, we’ve slowly started getting into our nice little groovy flow and had our very first few events. You know, what we also had? OUR COBOO, that was a blast and a half for us. Can’t say I remember much from the night but nevertheless good times were had. We had our very first PubQuiz, very happy to see so many of the first years there, I do hope it helped y’all with your exam. Oeh another thing which I had was my own exam, went surprisingly well! And then what better way to get the new course started than the COP!! It was perfectly timed for the halloween theme, and I had quite the enjoyable time and I hope you all did too. I am really really looking forward to the next few months, as committees get rolling and their events start flowing. And you know what else is coming up…christmas time (one of THE BEST times out there). Hope to see you around at the events, helix room or anywhere else you can think of.

Stay blessed,



Hey guys! Although the dutch weather is really starting to show this past month, I still had a lot of fun. I loved our CoBo, and I want to give a special thanks to our bodyguards who really worked hard at keeping us and our possessions safe. During the first Pubquiz of the year, a couple of our board members rivalled against each other to test our (ancient) knowledge of BBS1001, and I am proud to admit that I was on the winning team! I hope the exams went well for all of you, I for one was glad it was over and I could party my stress away at the COP. It was Halloween themed and we saw a lot of very cool costumes. Other than that, I am happy that the promo committee is now up and running. I am very excited to attend more events the following month, and I am looking forward to seeing all of the beautiful posters my little committee is making!

See ya next month!




Hello again to our lovely members (and also our non-members), what a month it has been! We started it off great with our CoBo (thank you to everyone for attending). We also organised the first Pubquiz, which I was very invested in, being a former Education Committee member myself. Props to this year’s committee for pulling it off! After that it all calmed down a bit as most of us had an exam to prepare for. I took some time off my studying to attend a Finance & Funding event organised by the Student Initiative Helpdesk to learn more about different funding opportunities. We finished the month strong with our Halloween themed COP which was the first organised by our new Activities Committee so props to them too!

Onto the next month, cheers,



Good Day everyone! Wauw the month of October has been such a blast. We started with our Cobo. Our first pubquiz was held as well during this month, which I sadly could not attend. I hope this helped the people who attended with their first exam. The Activities committee held their first event of the academic year as well, which was the second COP. Besides these fun events, I of course still had to do my duties as Vice-President. One of them was helping during the Bachelor’s Open Day. I felt honoured to present SA Helix to potential new Biomedical Science students. Well that was pretty much the sum of it. I know it was a very short one but don’t worry, we have much planned for the month of september.



Head of Education

Hello hello,

October has been a very busy month, but I am proud to announce that after tons of promo we have all the SEPs full – and I mean all, Year 1, 2, 3, RMT, Master’s. Even with all the specialisations and Minors! 

The month started with the celebrations of our Board the CoBo, then we had our PubQuiz (we scored 6th on the leaderboard so it seems we’re not that stupid afterall – also we beat Rutvik’s team) and the month ended with the 2nd COP – and obviously halloween themed.

Other than that, I’ve been attending many meetings with the coordinators and staff discussing course evaluations and course planning groups. I have good news, many Course Planning Groups are looking for student members, and the way it’s looking now – any course is pretty much open to having a student member – so it’s your time to shine!

Stay warm and don’t cycle against the wind (aka stay home),


Head of Internal Affairs

Heyy everyone! We started off October with our CoBo, which was a lot of fun. The week after that we had our first Pubquiz, which went well. I hope we prepared all our firsties well for their first exam. After exam week, we ended the month with the second COP of the year. This was the first event organised by this year’s Activities committee, which is also one of the committees that I am the board representative of, so it was really fun to see them work together to organise an event for the first time. Other than that, the committees have been brainstorming for events they want to organise this coming year, so keep an eye on our instagram to see what events are coming soon! 🙂

See you next month!


Head of Internal Affairs

Hey everyone, October was a very exciting month for helix; everything started properly taking off. We had our CoBo at the start of the month and our first events start popping up as well, COP II and the PubQuiz for BBS1001 were both successes and I can’t wait what the committees are going to organise going forward.

See you next month!


Head of External Affairs 

Hello ! Halloween season is sadly behind us, and now nothing is stopping Mariah Carey from overtaking. But let’s recap October, shall we ?  October a lot of CoBos, namely ours on the 12th, so we attended those, and they were quite fun to be honest, ours was the best of course ! It was really fun seeing the people trying to steal our things. Anyways, next on the list is that we had attended a social event, where we got to meet up with the other associations that I personally didn’t even know existed. We also had the bachelor open day where we talked to a few of the bachelors, sadly the lectures were being held on the other side of the road, so there weren’t too many students walking by our room, but oh well. That was kind of pretty much it, except of course for the Halloween COP, I sadly could not attend, but I heard that it was fun, and everyone dressed up as scientists and doctors, which was great ! 

See y’all next month loves <3

Mylena van Haaren



Sup again people of bio-med, yeah I know, I gotta work on a better Intro I’ll make it better for next time fear not. So September huh, was quite the busy month for us, we had our first big events of the year namely the Intro-week and first years weekend. Both events were great fun, to organise and also enjoy it as a board member. It was great interacting and getting to know all the new firsties. Oeh, also one big thing was we had our financial GA at the start of the money, meaning we finally got our budget approved, sweet right. With my role as president, I had a couple meetings to attend here and there, and went pretty well. And lastly towards the end of the month, we hosted the committee drinks for all students. I was excited to see the firsties sign up and be very enthusiastic about becoming an active member. I am definitely looking forward to next month, and definitely can’t wait to see the events all the committees are going to be organising!

Stay Blessed,



Hey everyone! Jeez, I feel like a lot has happened last month. Uni started up again, which meant a lot of hard work on that side. Thankfully, we had some activities at Helix to de-stress. First, we met a ton of people during our introweek, and saw some of them during camp. Then we were lucky to see some firsties again during the Committee Drinks, and I had a lot of fun interviewing them 😄. Other than that, I worked on my usual tasks as secretary like building the newsletter and answering emails. I also added all our new members into our systems and put everyone’s email addresses in the right place, and it was nice to see so many people signed up. Since the promo committee is still in the making, I am working on some posts and stories for our Instagram. You will soon get to see something about the upcoming pubquiz, so stay tuned! 

I guess that was mostly it from me for this month, I hope your September was as lovely as mine. I’ll hopefully see you all soon at our upcoming events. For now, let’s see what October has to bring!




Hello again lovely people! I can’t believe the month is already over, it flew by so fast. I had a lot of fun meeting our lovely first-years during our Introweek especially during the Glowgolf which was a blast. I also had the privilege to get to know some people better during our camp. For the latter I got the privilege of driving a van, which honestly was a highlight of the month. I was also busy working on our finances, after our budget was approved during the financial GA at the beginning of the month. I caught up on all the payments that needed to be done and the accounting of past weeks. I also had a meeting with the financial affairs office to talk through our new budget and what challenges we might encounter this year, which was very helpful. I also helped out for the committee interviews and had some awesome conversations with our prospective active members. I am very happy to see that people are as excited about Helix as we are as board members.

I am looking forward to seeing more first years during our  first pubquiz of the year.

Cheers, Maïté


Welcome back my friends. Missed my updates? Fear not, the months fly past so fast and I am here to satisfy your needs. We started the month with a blast. In other words, the introweek was our first big event. It was sooo fun meeting all of you and the activities we had planned were so enjoyable. When I thought I couldn’t enjoy life more, the first-years weekend took place. Of course, I couldn’t forget my work duties. Interviews had to take place for all the different committees. Furthermore, I am currently busy going through all the pictures of the last 15 years and finally adding them to the website. So if you are a new member or have been with us for years, keep checking out the website and sooner or later you can go through all the memories you made during your time in Maastricht. That’s all for me this month. Have a lovely October and I’ll write to you again in a month.

See ya


Head of Education

Hello hello, 

September went by so fast I was so surprised the other day when I saw it was already October. Getting back to uni after a relaxing summer and working at 200% has been quite tiring. The year started off strong, with the introweek activities! The glow golf was a really nice way to bond with our new student members and everyone enjoyed the glowing face paint we had at the COP on thursday. The end of the week was nicely finished off with the camp in Bree. Since then we have been working on our committees. We have had a bunch of interviews (especially for SEP). Looks like all the intensive promo we made was worth it. I look forward to juggling uni and board and hope to see everyone around the Helix room soon :).



Head of Internal Affairs

Hey everyoneee!! I hope you all had an amazing September. I definitely did! In the first half of this month, I was mostly busy with our First Years Weekend, since I am the board representative of the Camp Committee. The weekend took place in the second weekend of the academic year and we had a lot of fun. We did lots of fun activities and it was very fun getting to know all the new firsties. I am also very proud of the work the committee has put in! Now we are doing lots of interviews for the committees and making the division for it, so we can soon start with the first committee meetings. That’s about it, I can’t wait to see what October has to bring. See you next month!

Head of External Affairs

Hey guys, how’s it doing? You holding up alright? September has been a whirlwind; we started off strong with the opening of the academic year, where we got to walk in the parade with our fancy suits on, then talk to some important people at the Vrijthof Theater. The Financial GA happened as well, I sadly could not attend, but I heard it went smoothly. Then on a more fun note, we had the introweek, quite some firsties attended, and I really loved the crazy 69, the glow golf and of course the first COP ! To end the week, we went to Bree for camp, it went amazingly well imo. There were a bunch of games, the food was good, the cantus went great, and the people were hilarious. Sadly we didn’t get as many firsties as last year, but you know what they say ? quality over quantity baby ! We also had several committee drinks where we got to talk to the members about the different committees, and I think it was pretty successful. Overall, September has been a rush, and I cannot wait to see what will happen further on in the year. 

Good luck lovelies <3




Hey what’s up everyone etc., hope everyone’s doing great and has had a great summer! We as a board were working a little bit over the summer getting our stuff together to organise important events for the start of this amazing academic year. I attended INKOM, and I enjoyed it a lot, firstly as a Helix Board member it was nice to see and interact with a lot of you firsties. Secondly, just as a dude who thoroughly loves partying, I lived my fullest party life at the MECC parties. As the president, I’ve just been making sure everything is more or less being taken care of within the association. It has been an interesting experience so far, especially with the fact we did not have an approved budget all throughout the summer. Luckily, that’s been fixed now, and can’t wait to get cracking with the first events and meet more of you this year.

Till next time,



Hey everyone! It’s been a while, but we are back. Well, we actually never left, we got to do some board stuff over the summer. In between the vacations, I spent some time making a couple of posters and attending some fun online board meetings. After the holidays, we got to go back to uni, yay :). Thankfully, my year started out with a full week of meeting new students and attending some fun festivals and parties during INKOM. The next week was pretty chill, we attended the Bachelors’ and the Masters’ FIC where we had a lot of people trying on lab coats. It was slightly chaotic but like the good kind of chaotic and we had fun. Now, we prepared for our Extraordinary GA, the Introweek, and our Camp. I can’t wait to see the people I met during INKOM at those events, and I hope to see the rest of you soon throughout the year. 

That was it from me this time, and I hope you guys also enjoyed your summer break!

See you next month <3



Hello lovely people, I hope all of you had a great summer and took some time to rest. During August, I spent some time working (it’s all about that money), but of course, I also did some things for Helix. Getting the things transferred from the old board to the new board with the banks required an ungodly amount of phone calls (13!) and I was working hard on finalising the budget together with FSC. We made sure that we had both the realisation from 22-23 and the budget for 23-24 ready for our extraordinary GA in early September. 

Sadly I had to miss out on the INKOM, but I heard it was a great success. Outside of that I also helped out at FIC and I was very happy to see so many new and excited faces in the Biomed and the RMT programmes. I’m looking forward to all the exciting events coming up and I hope to see you around the Helix room!

Cheers, Maïté


Hello there! August was such a fun time. First we had INKOM, of which, I unfortunately couldn’t be present for the first two days. However, the days that I was here, it was a blast. It was so fun meeting all the first years. Do you know what happened after meeting the first year students? Another opportunity to meet first year students, also known as the FIC. Here, I got to present Helix to all Biomedical Science students. Afterwards, we were talking to more students personally, helping them out where we could. Now we are focusing on our upcoming fun events such as the introweek. We have so many things planned for this week and I am so excited. Also we’re going to end introweek with our annual camp! I cannot wait to see you all there. Alrighty then, that is all I have to say right now. Enjoy the opening of this academic year!

Head of Education

Hii, I hope everyone’s summers were good! I traveled a ton, but I always managed to find a moment here and there on the new plans that will be rolling out this month. We have put together promo posters for social media, the syllabi and Canvas announcements. We have made a new insta: >> make sure to follow! The Bachelor and Master Coordinators have been very helpful and supportive in my initiatives regarding updating the structure of the Student Evaluation Panels, especially in the master MBS. Shoutout to J Theys, the Director of Education, for all his great ideas, that we hope to realise soon! Just before the start of the academic year 23-24 we had the INKOM and faculty introduction days – which were all a great success, and loads of fun. Cheers to all the future plans we hope to accomplish, Barb.

Head of Internal Affairs

Hello everyone!! I hope you all enjoyed your summer and started off the first week of the academic year well. I definitely had a good summer, but next to all the wonderful trips I made and relaxing I did, we as board have not been sitting still. We were, among other things, planning our activities for INKOM, FIC, Introweek and the First Years Weekend. INKOM and FIC have already happened and I had a great time meeting all the new first years and master students during those days. Now, I am mostly busy with the organisation of the First Years Weekend, since I am this year’s board representative of the committee organising the whole weekend. It has been a lot of fun organising it and I am looking forward to meeting all the first years and maybe even seeing some familiar faces from INKOM and FIC! 

Head of external Affairs 

Hello hello hello dear Helix Reader, how were your holidays ? Done anything unusual ? Well, since you’re insisting, I will tell you what I did in August …. Fiiiiiiiine. Anyways, August was amazing in my opinion ! It was our first INKOM as Helix Board, so for the first day we had a stand at the Informarket, together with ABN AMRO, where we got to meet so many first years. Our stand was by far the best stand out there, for sure for sure. We also had various chill social events where we got to meet some firsties as well, which was really fun ! We even played Werewolven in the Helix room, it sparked quite some drama, relationships were broken, people’s trusts were lost, it was intense…. Then we had the Faculty Introduction Days (FIC), first for the bachelors for Biomedical sciences and Regenerative Medicine and Technology. My inner shopkeeper came out while we were selling the labcoats, I loved it haha. It was very chaotic, with all the various groups passing by our stand, and then we had to tell them about Helix, sell labcoats, (try to) promote Introweek and Camp, but I thrived. Then it was the master’s FIC, and we met some masters, they are actually really chill people to my surprise 😉 (I joke) I hope we will have a few more Masters members this year, but we shall see. For the moment we have been busy preparing for the start of uni, and hoping we get sign ups for camp and introweek !

Anyways, till next month loves !




Hey Peeps, it’s the President here. It’s finally happened, I am now officially President. In the time since the last update, my current fellow board members and now old board went away on a very exciting and fun weekend away to the land of Belgium. We really got to know each other more with fun activities, and also preparing our policy plan for the GA. This weekend really helped me understand who I really am, and what my purpose is in this world. The end result is that I should definitely go kayaking again. We got complimented for being able to complete a 2 hour route in the span of 5 hours. With that we ended up at the changing GA, frankly it was quite a new and nerve-racking experience for me. I started off very nervous, but then ended up feeling more and more confident towards the end. It was also quite an emotional moment for most of the old board. We ended up exchanging a couple little gifts to appreciate their efforts throughout the year. The month didn’t just end there, we had an epic BBQ at StayOkay, followed by a couple more fun adventurous nights that week :). The summer break is nearly approaching, and we are getting ready to get a nice break after allllll this Board work, jk. We all look forward to seeing you back again in September and join us all for the exciting events. 




Well hello there, it’s the (non-candidate) secretary speaking (or actually, writing). YAY!! It’s crazy to think that half a year ago, I was not even an active Helix member yet (big mistake, I should have been here since the beginning, it’s actually a lot of fun). I became secretary at the changing GA, which was such a cool experience since I was the only non-president who got to slam the gavel (it’s a flex, and did I say I got to slam it twice?). It was kinda cool being the only board member in all of helix for those few minutes (it was 8 minutes).

The past month has been very exciting, with for example all the work we needed to do to prepare for the GA to the GA itself, after which we gave old board gifts. We also had our CB weekend, the last COP and the cinema event, all of which I went over shortly in the last monthly update (oops). Next to these events, Activities and Sports put their heads together to organise the End of Year BBQ at StayOkay, which was amazing. Lustrum served some great pie in the Helix room to close this year off. 

While I’m busy making the newsletter look pretty, I wish all of you the best of luck with your last exam(s), and I hope you all have fun and relax during the summer break!

Lots of love,



Hello lovely people, it is me, Maïté, the now official treasurer of the XXXIst board. It still feels weird to say this, but slowly I am growing fonder and fonder of my new title. As you can read from my fellow board members’ updates, we have been very busy bonding with each other and preparing for the changing GA during our awesome weekend in Belgium.  We also had some fun events such as the cinema event, our last COP of the year, and the end of year BBQ. 

Behind the scenes, my treasurer duties are keeping me occupied as I am busily working on the preparations for our financial GA that will take place during the summer.

With that I wish all of you good luck on your final projects/exams/resits of the year, and I hope you have a great summer break!



Hello again it’s me, however not as a Candidate Vice-President this time. No no, I can enthusiastically say that I am writing this as the official Vice-President of the XXXIth board of Helix. Before the changing GA I had the opportunity to bond with the rest of the board during the CB weekend. There were some fun activities as well, such as the last COP and the cinema event. Then straight after the changing GA, we started with our first official board duties and hosted two committee drinks, which were successful. Thereafter, the event we were all waiting for occurred. The end-of-the-year BBQ. It was such a blast playing sports, enjoying a fine meal, and just having good conversations with my fellow Helix members. Now it is time to tackle all the challenges that next year will bring us. However, I am very confident that it will be nothing we cannot handle. This was my update for the month. I am wishing you all the best of luck for your exams, have a nice summer, and I cannot wait to see you all next year.


Head of Education

Hiiiiiiiiiiiii (*excited Barbora voice*),

Now, I can finally scrap the candidate and introduce myself as Head of Education of the XXXXIst Helix board. The last month has been very busy. With end of the year dinners here and there, vlaai in every other meeting (gotta love Limburg and the vlaai), such an awesome way to get ready for summer! The month started off awesome with the CB weekend, the end-of-the-year BBQ at StayOkay with some awesome food and lovely people, and not to forget the brother associations gettogether a few days ago.

Looking forward to everything!



Head of Internal Affairs 

Hello hello hello!! We are back at it again, but this time not as candidate board member anymore, but as the Head of Internal Affairs of the XXXIst board of Helix. Sounds good, doesn’t it? So let’s talk about what happened last month. After the exam week we went on CB weekend in Belgium, which was a lot of fun. And the week after that we had our last COP of the academic year, the cinema event, and we ended the week with the changing GA. I am super happy and proud to say that all of us got voted in, and I am very excited to see where the coming year will take us. In our first week of our board year, the End of Year BBQ took place. It was a very nice way to celebrate the end of the academic year. We played sports in the park and after that had the BBQ at the StayOkay hostel. Overall, a pretty busy but also very exciting month. For now, I wish everyone a good summer and see you all in September!!


Head of Internal Affairs

Hey, it’s me, Valentijn back at it again with another monthly update. It finally happened; the changing GA where the members of helix came together to vote us in, and fortunately they did for all of us. It was a pretty exciting event for our (then still) Candidate Board but I am proud to call myself your new Head of Internal Affairs. After a lovely weekend with my board and old board for some fun bonding as well as training I have the utmost confidence in all of us and am happy to have commenced my board year! It wasn’t long until we had our first event as Board as not long after the GA we held our lovely End of Year BBQ. As much as the weather tried to pull one over on us, the BBQ was a great success with a lot of wonderful people and wonderful food (especially the pineapple).

That’s all I got for you this month, have a nice summer everyone and see you in September!

Head of External Affairs

Hey hey heyyyyyyyyy, guess who got voted in as Head of External?? ME ! Hahah ! It has been an exciting June, especially now that I have new responsibilities under my belt. As for the events that happened this month; we had the CB weekend in Belgium, it was a lot of fun! It was closely followed by the changing GA where we all got voted in, and then went for drinks to celebrate ;P. Another exciting (and delicious) event that occurred was the End of the Year Barbeque, which ended with a bang, literally ! Wow, I seriously cannot believe it; it’s already the end of the year, with the last exam, and the last assignment left to do, and so much has happened ! I am seriously eternally grateful to have been a part of Helix since this September. I have never felt more welcome, never thought I’d meet such crazy and fun people in this small city. I am truly excited to do the same next year for all of you ! Have a great summer! <3 

Lots of love and mischief, 




My parents always told me to either go big or go home (they never did but for the sake of this story), so here we are. Becoming CB was not on my bucket list for this year, but I am glad I ended up here. The training from Mr. Javier Sanmartin Martinez was super helpful, and has been making me more prepared to take over very soon. So far the period of CB has given me great insight into how the Helix operates from behind the scenes, and getting to understand how things are taken care of and organised. I’m definitely looking for a very exciting year with my fellow board members!



Since I tend to talk A LOT, I will try to keep this update short and sweet (like me). It will be difficult since quite some things have happened since I joined the Candidate Board. My schedule became filled with meetings, trainings, and fun events.

We have already had a couple CB meetings, and it was great to get to know this awesome group of people better in this setting. We also have gotten very close during the CB weekend, where I found out that kayaking is not for everyone (some people took 5 hours to kayak a 2 hour track). Despite this, everyone really enjoyed the weekend. 

CB life unfortunately also brings less joyful things, like the trainings to prepare me for my new role as Secretary. Just kidding, I have really enjoyed my trainings, since Laura was there to help me every step of the way. Now, I feel very well prepared and ready to take on this exciting role. 

Next to board business, there were some fun events I enjoyed organising or attending this month. I played poker at Casino Night (Lustrum) and learned incredibly interesting things at the Company Visit to MERLN (Education). I loved partying at the Pride Party (Wellbeing X Activities) and ended this month relaxing at the Cinema Event with ‘The Little Mermaid’ (Wellbeing). 

I feel like that was basically all Helix-related things that I have experienced this month. I unfortunately can’t say that I kept it short, my apologies.

Lots of love,



Candidate treasurer – it does seem daunting, but after all the awesome training I received from our lovely current treasurer Amadiez, I feel much more prepared. Since becoming CB there have been so many meetings, trainings and – of course – events to attend.  This has given me a taste of what challenge is awaiting me next year, and yet I am still excited to become part of the XXXIth board. This month we had a relaxing yoga event, a casino night where I gambled away my drinks’ chips at the roulette table and danced through the night at the pride month party. I also attended our more educational events with the Company Visit at Merln and the pubquiz of course 1005, both of which I helped organise as a member of the Education Committee.

I’m hoping to see all of you at the changing GA and have a lovely month!



Well here we are, finally on the XXXIst board. Well not officially though, still technically Candidate Vice-President. Let me tell you my little journey so far. Currently, I’m busy helping out with the preparations for the Faculty Introduction day. So let me shamelessly plug the event. Also, I’m still looking for buddies to help us out. To whoever is reading this, next time you see me in the Helix room or somewhere wandering around, ask me about it and maybe we could work something out. I have been enjoying some of the latest events as well, such as the pride party where we were all dancing with well… pride, and the relaxing yoga event which was organised in part by none other than yours truly. I might have lost some fake chips at the casino event as well, but that is neither here nor there. Right now I’m mostly looking forward to the changing GA, where we can finally (hopefully) officially become members of the board. That’s it for me this month. I’ll see you around and have a lovely day y’all!


Head of Education

Hi y’all! I am happy to introduce myself as the Candidate Head of Education. I am very excited to be a part of the XXXIst Board and learn an endless amount of experiences. The Candidate Board hit it off immediately, after one of our first Board Meetings we went to make dinner at Rutvik’s and had a blast. After being an active member of the Education Committee for 2 years we ended the year with an amazing PubQuiz for BBS1005. What’s to add, we are all almost done with our exams of period 5 and happy to leave for the CB weekend the second the exams are done! 

See you around the Helix room!

Love, Barbs

Head of Internal Affairs

The first month of our Candidate Board period has started. I am very excited to have been chosen to fill the newest role in the Candidate Board as Head of Internal Affairs together with Valentijn. We already had our first CB meetings, in which we have discussed a lot, but we mainly focussed on our policy plan for the upcoming year. We had a lot of ideas of what we want to do next year and we are now wrapping everything up into a complete report. Other than that we also took some time to get to know each other outside of the meetings, which also has been very fun. All in all, it is a very exciting time and I can’t wait to see what the upcoming year will bring us!


Head of Internal Affairs

In may I have had the pleasure of being chosen as part the candidate board of Helix as Head of Internal Affairs with Loes, this month has been one of the craziest periods of my life what with the excursion, going through the terror that is BBS1005 and of course becoming Candidate Board . Because we became CB quite late we had our work cut out for us from the start, you could see this as stressful but let’s be optimistic and call it exciting. I look forward to what my board year brings.



Head of External Affairs

May has been an exciting month this year; we had many amazing events, such as the Excursion to Berlin, the Pubquiz of BBS1005 (fingers crossed I passed the exam) and of course, most exciting of all: all of us have been nominated as Candidate XXXIst Board. It is truly an honour to (hopefully) fill in Alicia’s shoes as the next Head of External. In the beginning there were some small stressors and questions I had, but thanks to the trainings with Alicia and the collective words of wisdom from the XXXth board, my fears and anxiety are put to rest and, can I just state? I am REALLY excited for the General Assembly and see if I will be voted in ! So see you in June, and I will let you know if I got voted in 😉 
