Monthly Update XXXIInd Board

JUNE 2024

President & Head of External Affairs

Hey guys!

You might be wondering why there’s a new face and name in Rutvik’s spot. Well… on June 20th 2024, we were officially voted in as the 32nd board of Helix! I am so excited to take this journey with you guys and hope I can accomplish just as many beautiful things as my predecessors. 

About June; what a month! On May 30th I did my drivers test (which was demonic btw. If you pop by the Helix Room please ask me about it!) but I passed! Other than that; on June 7th we had the embryology exam AND more importantly, Ketlin’s birthday!! I was so busy though. Apart from board related stuff (meetings, policy plan, balie duty) I also was prepping for my own birthday party! My birthday was on the 17th but I celebrated on the 22nd. This meant that I was up and down from Rotterdam to Maastricht. And uni of course… It was super stressful and I definitely gained some grey hairs, but it was fun to be busy. 




Hello everyone what an incredibly interesting month June has been. On the 20th of june I was voted in to be the secretary of SA Helix for 2024/25. It will be very interesting to see how this year will play out. 

While most of us were anxiously waiting for their grades, some of us were blowing off some steam with the EOY bbq organized by the activities committee. I’m very happy of what I did as an active member in both the education committee and the family committee, but the task force will obviously become larger now that I have become secretary.

On one hand i’m nervous, but on the other I’m very excited :). I hope to meet you all during the activities that we organize, or in the helix room. I wish you all the best of luck with your exams and hope everyone has a wonderful summer holiday!

Kind regards,



Hello everyone!

June was a very busy and fun month!

At the start of the month, as the Candidate Treasurer, I finalized the budget for 2024/25. Along with the rest of the Candidate Board, we prepared the policy plan and our presentation for the Changing GA. I also had my first meeting with the FSC (Financial Supervisory Council) and presented the budget to them (it was approved😃). 

On June 20th, we finally had our Changing GA. We were a bit nervous, but we supported each other and I think we made it through successfully! 

I am very excited to be the new Helix Treasurer. Thank you for your votes, guys 😁

Also, as this academic year comes to an end, last Friday, we had our last balie of the year, where we shared delicious cookies and little treats with the Helix members. 🍪 

Good luck on your exams, have a great summer, and see you next academic year!

With love, 


Vice President

Dear Helix Members,

These days have been such a roller coaster of emotions! After some stressful yet incredibly fun times, I am beyond excited to step into the role of Vice President. 🎉

We all can’t wait to bring new ideas and initiatives to our Helix family. There’s so much we can achieve together, and I’m eager to get started on this exciting journey with all of you.

And how amazing was the barbecue? 🍔🔥 It was wonderful to see so many of you there, enjoying the great food and even better company!

With excitement,

Alba Villagrasa Martín ✨

Head of Education

Head of Internal Affairs